Structure of InstituteIAP's DirectorateDirector: Dr Sci , Senior researcher Lebed' Aleksandr A. Deputy Director in Scientific-Technical Issues: Homenko Valentin Academic secretary: PhD , Senior research assistant Voroshilo Alexey I. Honorary director, Directory Adviser: Dr Sci , Academician of NAS of Ukraine Storizhko Volodymyr Yu. Academic CouncilChairman of Academic Council: Dr Sci , Academician of NAS of Ukraine Storizhko Volodymyr Yu. Deputy chairman of Academic Council: Dr Sci , Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine Kholodov Roman I. Scientific Secretary of Academic Council: PhD , Senior research assistant Voroshilo Alexey I. UnionYoung Scientists CouncilHead of the Young Researcher Board: PhD Lebedynskyi Serhii Deputy head of the Young Researcher Board: Lebedynska Yuliia S. Department of Charged Particle Beam PhysicsHead of the dept.: Dr Sci , Prof. Ponomarev Alexander G. Department of Radiation BiophysicsHead of the dept.: PhD , Senior research assistant Danilchenko Sergey N. Deputy head of the Dept.: PhD , Associate professor Chivanov Vadym D. Department of nuclear and physical researchHead of the dept.: Dr Sci , Academician of NAS of Ukraine Storizhko Volodymyr Yu. Deputy head of the Dept.: PhD , Senior research assistant Baturin Volodimyr A. Laboratory of x-ray phase contrast tomography on the basis of compact acceleratorsHead of the Lab.: Dr Sci , Senior researcher Lebed' Aleksandr A. Sector of exploitation and modernization of electrostatic accelerators №32Head of the Sec.: PhD Drozdenko Oleksandr O. Sector - Center for the collective use of "Accelerated mass spectrometer"Head of the Sec.: PhD Buhay Oleksandr M. Laboratory of physical and chemical research of hydrogen- absorption materialsacting Head of the Lab.: PhD , Senior research assistant Zhirko Yurii Lab of Direct Accelerators and Ion Implantation and Modification of Nuclear MaterialsHead of the Lab.: PhD , Senior research assistant Baturin Volodimyr A. Laboratory of Composite Materials of Atomic-Hydrogen Energy.Head of the Lab.: Dr Sci , Associate professor Shirinyan Аram S. Department of Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fieldsacting Head of the dept.: PhD , Senior research assistant Novak Oleksandr P, Laboratory of Integrated modeling of mechanical properties of structural materials under irradiationHead of the Lab.: PhD Bistryk Yu. S. Department modeling of radiation effects and microstructural transformations in constructional materialsHead of the dept.: Dr Sci , Prof. Kharchenko Dmytro O. Research Center of Equipment for Education and Researchacting Head of the Dept. of Research Center of Equipment for Education and Research: Shkurat Oleksandr Ivanovuch Section scientific - technical and engineering developmentsHead of the Sec.: Chyzhov Igor Grugorovuch Development sector for education and research equipmentHead of the Sec.: PhD Kolomiets Volodymir M. Scientific and Organizational DepartmentHead of the dept.: PhD , Senior research assistant Voroshilo Alexey I. Training of scientific personnelPostgraduate head: Dr Sci , Senior researcher Lebed' Aleksandr A. Academic secretary: PhD , Senior research assistant Voroshilo Alexey I. educational program guarantor: PhD Lebedynskyi Serhii Employer responsible for training of scientific personnal: PhD Kolesnik Maruna Ivanivna Department of informatization, patent licensing and implementation of developmentHead of the dept.: Homenko Valentin |
Annonce On December 22, 2021, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced a competition to replace the director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. According to the Statute of the NAS of Ukraine, the right to nominate candidates for the position of director of a scientific institution has: the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, the Bureau of the relevant branch of the NAS of Ukraine, members of the NAS of Ukraine, the Academic Council of the institution. A candidate for the position of director of a state scientific institution must be fluent in the state language, have a doctorate or doctor of philosophy and work experience as a researcher and (or) research and teaching staff of at least 10 years. Institute Research Training of scientific personnel |