Новини Про Інститут Наукова діяльність Структура Аспірантура Закупівлі Контакти Конференції ІПФ Профспілка СПЕТФ-МНФ-2024


№40 - Відділ квантової електродинаміки сильних полів

Основні публікації


  1. S.P. Roshchupkin and A.I. Voroshilo. Resonant and Coherent Effects of Quantum Electrodynamics in the Light Field (Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2008, 400 P.), in Russian.
  2. Sergei P. Roshchupkin, Alexandr A. Lebed’, Elena A. Padusenko and Alexey I. Voroshilo. Resonant effects of quantum electrodynamics in the pulsed light field, Chapter in the Book “Quantum Optics and Laser Experiments”, INTECH - Open Access Publisher, University Campus STeP Ri, Croatia, January 2012, PP.107-156.
  3. S.P. Roshchupkin and A.A. Lebed’. Effects of Quantum Electrodynamics in the Strong Pulsed Laser Fields (Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2013, 192 P.), in Russian.


  1. Roshchupkin S.P. Resonant effects in collisions of relativistic electrons in the field of a light wave. Laser Physics, 1996, V.6, №5, P. 837-858.
  2. S.P. Roshchupkin, A.A. Lebed’, E.A. Padusenko and A.I. Voroshilo. Quantum electrodynamics resonances in a pulsed laser field. Laser Physics, 2012, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1113–1144.
  3. S.P. Roshchupkin, A.A. Lebed’, E.A. Padusenko. Nonresonant Quantum electrodynamics processes in a pulsed laser field, Laser Physics, 2012, Vol. 22, No.10, pp. 1513–1546.
  4. S. P. Roshchupkin and S. S. Starodub. Interactions of the classical nonrelativistic the same charged particles in the strong pulsed light fields. Laser Physics, 2012, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 1202–1219.


  1. O I Denisenko, S P Roshchupkin and A I Voroshilo. "Interference suppression in the two-photon annihilation of an electron–positron pair in the light wave field". Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2006, V.39, PP. 965–973.
  2. S.P. Roshchupkin and V.A. Tsybul’nik. "The light amplification effect in the Coulomb scattering of nonrelativistic electrons in a two-mode laser field". Laser Physics Letters, 2006, V.3, No. 7, PP. 362–368.
  3. A.I. Voroshiloa, S.P. Roshchupkin, and O.I. Denisenko. “Resonance of exchange amplitude of Compton effect in the circularly polarized laser field”. The European Physical Journal D, 2007, V.41, PP. 433–440.
  4. O.I. Voroshilo, S.P. Roshсhupkin. “Resonant two-photon emission of an electron in the field of an electromagnetic wave”. Problems of atomic science and technology. 2007, N3 (1), PP. 221-224.
  5. Starodub S.S., Roshchupkin S.P. Interaction of the nonrelativistic electrons in the pulsed field of two laser waves. The European Physical Journal D, 2007, V.44, PP. 401–405. 6. V.N. Nedoreshta, A.I. Voroshilo, and S.P. Roshchupkin “Nonresonant scattering of an electron by a muon in the field of plane electromagnetic wave”. Laser Physics Letters, 2007, V.4, No. 12, PP. 872–879.
  6. A.V. Freiv and S.P. Roshchupkin. “The radiation amplification effect in the scattering of a quasi-classical electron by an ion in the weak electromagnetic field”. Laser Physics Letters, 2008, V.5, No. 1, PP. 75–83.
  7. A. V. Freiv, S. P. Roshchupkin “The radiation amplification effect in the scattering of a quasi-classical electron by an ion in the electromagnetic field of middle intensity” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2008, V.41 085204 (6pp) doi:10.1088.
  8. V.N. Nedoreshta, A.I. Voroshilo, S.P. Roshchupkin “Resonant scattering of an electron by a muon in the field of light wave”. The European Physical Journal D, 2008, V.48, PP.451–458.
  9. A.A. Lebed’, S.P. Roshchupkin “The Influence of a Pulsed Light Field on the Electron Scattering by a Nucleus”, Laser Physics Letters, 2008, V.5, No. 6, PP.437–445.
  10. “Amplification of circularly polarized electromagnetic wave in the coulomb centre scattering of nonrelativistic electron”, Laser Physics Letters, 2008, V.5, No. 8, PP.619–623.
  11. S.S. Starodub and S.P. Roshchupkin. “The hydrogen ions attraction effect in the pulsed field of two laser waves propagating in the opposite directions”, Laser Physics Letters, 2008, V.5, No. 9, PP.691–695.
  12. E.A. Padusenko , S.P. Roshchupkin and A.I. Voroshilo. “Nonresonant scattering of relativistic electro n by relativistic muon in the pulsed light field”. Laser Physics Letters, 2009, V.6, No. 3, PP.242–251.
  13. V. N. Nedoreshta, S. P. Roshchupkin and A. I. Voroshilo. “Nonresonant Muon Pair Production in Electron–Positron Annihilation in the Field of Light Wave”. Laser Physics, 2009,V.19, No. 3, PP.531–537.
  14. A.A. Lebed’ and S.P. Roshchupkin. “Spontaneous bremsstrahlung effect in the nonrelativistic electron scattering by a nucleus in the field of pulsed light wave”. Laser Physics Letters, 2009, V.6, No. 6, PP.472-479.
  15. A.A. Lebed’ and S.P. Roshchupkin. “Nonresonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung by a relativistic electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of pulsed light wave”. The European Physical Journal D, 2009, V.53, PP.113–122.
  16. E.A. Padusenko , S.P. Roshchupkin, and A.I. Voroshilo. “Nonresonant scattering of nonrelativistic electron by nonrelativistic muon in the pulsed light field”. Laser Physics Letters, 2009, V.6 , No. 8, PP.616–623.
  17. S. P. Roshchupkin. “Amplification of Electromagnetic Field in the Course of the Nonrelativistic Electron Scattering by Ion in the Presence of the Field of the Medium Intensity Elliptically Polarized Light Wave”. Laser Physics, 2009, V.19, No. 8, PP.1723–1728.
  18. S.P. Roshchupkin and V.A. Tsybul’nik. “Anomalous amplification of electromagnetic field in the course of the nonrelativistic electron scattering by ion in the moderate-strong light field”. Laser Physics Letters, 2009, V.6, No. 12, PP. 906-911.
  19. A.I. Voroshilo, E.A. Padusenko, S.P. Roshchupkin. “One-photon annihilation of an electron-positron pair in thе field of pulsed circularly polarized light wave”. Laser Physics, 2010,V. 20, No. 7, PP. 1561-1571.
  20. A.A. Lebed' and S.P. Roshchupkin. “Resonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung by an electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of pulsed light wave”. Physical Review A, 2010,V.81, 033413–PP.1-13.
  21. E.A. Padusenko, S.P. Roshchupkin. “Resonant scattering of a lepton by a lepton in the pulsed light field”. Laser Physics, 2010, V. 20, No.12, PP.2080-2091.
  22. S. S. Starodub and S. P. Roshchupkin. “Heavy Nuclei Confinement Effect in a Pulsed Light Field”. Laser Physics, 2011, V. 21, No. 4, PP. 769–773.
  23. A. A. Lebed’ and S. P. Roshchupkin. Resonant Electron–Positron Pair Photoproduction on a Nucleus in a Pulsed Light Field. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2011, V. 113, No. 1, PP. 46–54.
  24. A. A. Lebed’ and S. P. Roshchupkin. Nonresonant Photocreation of Electron–Positron Pair on a Nucleus in the Field of a Pulsed Light Wave. Laser Physics, 2011, V. 21, No. 9, PP. 1613–1620.
  25. A. I. Voroshilo, S. P. Roshchupkin, and V. N. Nedoreshta. Resonant Scattering of Photon by Electron in the Presence of the Pulsed Laser Field. Laser Physics, 2011, V. 21, No. 9, PP. 1675–1687.
  26. S. S. Starodub and S. P. Roshchupkin. Non-linear effects at ionization of hydrogen atoms in the strong pulsed light field. Problems of Atomic Science аnd Technology, 2012, N1. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations (57), PP.153-156.
  27. V.N. Nedoreshta, S.P. Roshchupkin and A.I. Voroshilo. Influence of an intense pulsed electromagnetic field on nonresonant scattering of a photon by an electron for the nonrelativistic energy. The European Physical Journal D, 2013, V.67, DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2013-30358-5, PP.1–11.
  28. V.N. Nedoreshta, S.P. Roshchupkin and A.I. Voroshilo. Nonresonant Compton scattering in an intense pulsed laser field. Laser Physics, 2013, V. 23, PP.1-11, doi.org/10.1088/1054-660X/23/5/055301.
  29. S. P. Roshchupkin. Quantum electrodynamics in the strong-pulsed laser fields. Problems of Atomic Science аnd Technology, 2013, N3 (85). Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations (60), PP.48-52.
  30. V. A. Tsybul’nik and S. P. Roshchupkin. Amplification of electromagnetic field in electron scattering by ions in a weak light field: general relativistic case. Laser Physics, 2013, V.23, 106001 (4pp), doi.org/10.1088/1054-660X/23/10/106001.
  31. A. A. Lebed’ and S. P. Roshchupkin. The interference effect in electron scattering on a nucleus in the field of two pulsed laser waves of circular polarization. Laser Physics, 2013, V.23, 125301 (9pp) .
  32. Elena A. Padusenko, Alexandr A. Lebed, Sergei P. Roshchupkin. Resonant Interference Effect in Scattering of an Electron by an Electron in the Field of Two Pulsed Laser Waves. Universal Journal of Physics and Application 1(3): pp. 274-285, 2013.
  33. V. N. Nedoreshta, A. I. Voroshilo, and S. P. Roshchupkin. Resonant scattering of a photon by an electron in the moderately-strong-pulsed laser field. Physical Review A, 2013, V.88, 052109.
  34. V. A. Tsybul’nik and S. P. Roshchupkin. Amplification of an electromagnetic field at the scattering of the nonrelativistic electron by an ion in the external field of medium intensity for an arbitrary angle of the initial electron. Laser Physics, Vol. 24 (2014) 086004 (5pp).
  35. O. I. Denisenko and S. P. Roshchupkin. Parametric interference electron–muon scattering in the field of two pulse laser waves. Laser Physics, Vol. 24 (2014) 106006 (6pp).
  36. S. P. Roshchupkin and A. A. Lebed’. Parametric interference effect in electron-nucleus scattering in the field of two pulsed laser waves. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90, 2014, 035403 (5pp).

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