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Lab of Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Magnetic Fields

Main publications

  1. Fomin P.I., Fomina A.P. On the evolution and the characteristic times of the relativistic jet activity of quasars and radio galaxies // Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies, V. 23, № 6, P. 381-386, (2007).
  2. Fomin P.I. On the vacuum condensates and the problem of the nature of mass and inertial forces // Collection of Scientific Papers: Problems of Modern Physics, Chap. Ed. Shulga N.F., Kharkov: NSC KIPT, P. 367-374,( 2007).
  3. Koropov A.V. Morphological stability of islands of small size in the deposition of material on the surface of the crystal // Zhurnal-fizika-tverdogo-tela.V. 50, № 11., P. 2093-2097., (2008).
  4. Novak O.P., Kholodov R. I. Spin-polarization effects in the processes of synchrotron radiation and electron-positron pair production by a photon in a magnetic field // Phys. Rev. D, 80, № 2, 025025-1 – 025025-11 (2009).
  5. Novak O.P., Fomin P.I., Kholodov R. I. Electron-positron pair production by an electron in a magnetic field near the threshold of the process // JETP, V. 137, №6, 1120–1125 (2010).
  6. Kul’ment’ev O.I. Description of the surface of compact nano-objects // Mathematic Modeling Journal, V.23, №4. P.57–68, (2011).


On December 22, 2021, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced a competition to replace the director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. According to the Statute of the NAS of Ukraine, the right to nominate candidates for the position of director of a scientific institution has: the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, the Bureau of the relevant branch of the NAS of Ukraine, members of the NAS of Ukraine, the Academic Council of the institution. A candidate for the position of director of a state scientific institution must be fluent in the state language, have a doctorate or doctor of philosophy and work experience as a researcher and (or) research and teaching staff of at least 10 years.