Новини Про Інститут Наукова діяльність Структура Аспірантура Закупівлі Контакти Конференції ІПФ Профспілка СПЕТФ-МНФ-2024

Шірінян Арам Сергійович

Посада: зав. лаб. у скл. відділу; член вченої ради Інституту;


Загальна інформація

Education Summary (including documents, science and years):

1) Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Doctor of Sciences, Diploma, Habilitation in Solid State Physics, 2013.

2) Kharkov National Karazin University, Kharkov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Ph D in Solid State Physics, 2002.

3) Cherkasy National University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, Post-graduate course, Certificate, Solid State Physics, 1994-1998.

4) Erevan State University, Erevan (Armenia), First class diploma (with honor), Physics, 1993.

5) Erevan State University, Erevan (Armenia), Diploma, Translator (from English), 1992.

6) Physics-mathematical high school of Mingechaur city, Red certificate (with honor), 1986.

Professional career:

Since 2020 – Deputy Director of Research and Education Center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2017–2019 - Senior staff scientist at Scientific “Physico-chemical materials science” center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2012-2017 – Senior staff scientist at Scientific “Physico-chemical materials science” center of Kiev National University and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2009-2012 – Doctoral Candidate at Metals physics department, Kiev National University (Ukraine).

1999-2009 – Senior teacher, Lector and then Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, Cherkasy National University.

1994-1998 – Ph D student in the Cherkasy National University (Ukraine).

1989-1993 – Student at the Physics Faculty of Erevan State University (Armenia).

Academic Prizes and Awards (including years):

2018-2019 – Award of DAAD fellowship and exchange of academics (Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wilde, Muenster University, Germany).

2014-2015 – Award of DAAD scholarship (Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wilde, Muenster University, Germany). 2010-2011 – Head of Ukraine team of International Grant of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Interational Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany BMBF (Germany-Ukraine, joint Project UKR 08/020).

2008 – Award of DAAD fellowship (Dr. habil. Juern Schmelzer, Rostock University, Germany; Project A/08/01715).

2004-2005 – Award of EU research INTAS, fellowship with team of Prof. Michel Wautelet (University of Mons, Belgium; INTAS Project 03-55-1169).

2003 – Personal Scientific Grant of Ukrainian Government (‘Cabinet of Ministers’ of Ukraine). 2002 – Honorary diploma of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for Nanophysics.

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