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Valter Anton A.



Personal information

Anton Valter was born in Kharkiv in 1933.

He graduated from the Kharkiv State University, geology faculty, in 1951, speciality geological engineer.

He finished post-gratuation course in 1963, Institute of Mineral Resources.

1963-1965 – junior research worker, senior research worker of Mineralogy Department, Institute of Mineral Resources

1965-1970 – associate professor, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Kharkiv State University.

1970-1971 – senior research worker, Institute of Physics and Technology

1971-1983– senior research worker, head of the laboratory of the physics research methods.

1983-1994 – head of the Department of Metallogeny, Institute of Geochemistry and Physics of Minerals, NAS of Ukraine.

1994-1995 – science advisor of the State Committee on Rare, Precious Metals and Precious Stones.

1995 – assistant of the head of the State Committee on Science and Technology.

1995-1996 – State Committee on Science, Technology and Industrial Policy.

1996-1998 – leading research worker of the State Research Center on Environmental Radiology, NAS and MES of Ukraine.

1998- present – department of the physical methods of ore analysis, Institute of Applied Physics, NAS of Ukraine.

PhD thesis: «Mineralogical indicators of shock metamorphism, geological structure and impact diamonds of impact craters of the Ukrainian Shield», 12.12.1980.

Awards: Commendation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2008), Commendation of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1982), USSR medals (1983, 1985), VDNKh medal (1979), VDNKh diploma (1981), medal of V.I. Luchytsky (2003).

Works in the field of general, structural and applied mineralogy, physics and chemistry petrology, physics of minerals, comparative planetology.

He studied mineralogy of the rare metal, golden and uranium deposits; took part in the exploration of geological structures of new type in Ukraine– impact craters and diamonds in their rocks. Last 15 years A.Valter works at the border of nuclear physics and Earth sciences. Using principles and methods of these sciences he forecasted new type of minerals– mono isotope raw materials. Together with co-authors he discovered usually rare isotopes in naturally pure and super pure states, found and explained dependency of violation of radiation equilibrium of ancient Ukrainian ores on their mineral composition.

He is the author of more than 300 research publications.


The main publications

    • Вальтер А.А., Ерёменко Г.К. Магнитометрическое исследование состояния церия в бритолите. // Записки Всесоюзного минералогического общества. 1964. ч.93, вып.1. с. 64-68.
    • Вальтер А.А. О соотношении между микротвёрдостью и поверхностной энергией минералов. // Вестник Харьковского университета, сер.геолого-географ., 1967. С.62-65.
    • Вальтер А.А., Рябенко В.А. Взрывные метеоритные кратеры Украинского щита.- Киев: Наукова думка,1977 - 154 с.
    • Вальтер А.А., Ерёменко Г.К., Квасница В.Н., Полканов Ю.А. Ударно-метаморфогенные минералы углерода.- Киев: Наукова думка,1992.- 171с.
    • Вальтер А.А., Добрянский Ю.П. Режимы остывания пластовых тагамитов и их влияние на сохранность импактных алмазов // Минералогический журнал.- 2001.- 23, №4.- С. 56-66.
    • Valter A.A., Storizhko V.E., Dikiy N.P., Dovbnya A.N., Lyashko Yu.V. and Berlizov A.N.. Nuclear-Analytical аnd Mineralogical Principles аnd Techniques for Prediction and Investigation of the Native-Pure Rare Isotope Occurrence//Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2005, N 6. Series:Nuclear Physics Investigations (45), p.142-145.
    • Вальтер А.А., Писанский А.И., Подберезская Н.В. Кристаллохимический фактор прочности удержания радиогенного 187Os  в структуре рениеносных молибденитов // Доповіді НАН України. 2007. № 12. С.107-110.
    • Valter A.A., Dikiy N.P., Dovbnya A.N., Lyashko Yu.V., Pisansky A.I., Storizhko V.E. The effect of mineral content on the degree of deviation from radioactive equilibrium in the ancient uranium ores of the Ukraine. //Рroblems of atomic science and technology, 2007, №5. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigation (48), p.69-75.
    • Вальтер А.А., Дикий Н.П., Довбня А.Н., Ляшко Ю.В., Писанський А.І., Сторіжко В.Ю. Мінералогія урану та радіоактивна нерівноважність руд родовищ альбітитової формації українського щита // Записки Українського мінералогічного товариства. 2008. Т.5. С.64-73.
    • Вальтер А.А., Писанський А.И. О природе кальций-содержащего уранинита// Доповіді НАН України 2008, №9. С.106-109.


Почесна грамота Кабінету міністрів України (2008), Нагрудний знак - За професійні здобутки (2013), Почесна грамота Верховної ради України (2018),


On December 22, 2021, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced a competition to replace the director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. According to the Statute of the NAS of Ukraine, the right to nominate candidates for the position of director of a scientific institution has: the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, the Bureau of the relevant branch of the NAS of Ukraine, members of the NAS of Ukraine, the Academic Council of the institution. A candidate for the position of director of a state scientific institution must be fluent in the state language, have a doctorate or doctor of philosophy and work experience as a researcher and (or) research and teaching staff of at least 10 years.